Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Winter School & Workshop Wisla 22. Differential Geometry and its applications: fluid dynamics, dispersive systems, image processing, and beyond

created by tortorella on 28 Dec 2021

24 jan 2022 - 6 feb 2022


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We would like to announce “Winter School & Workshop Wisla 22. Differential Geometry and its applications: fluid dynamics, dispersive systems, image processing, and beyond" which will be held online from January 24th to February 6th. We will appreciate if you could forward the announcement below to all potentially interested colleagues.

Hosted by Baltic Institute of Mathematics "Winter School & Workshop Wisla 22. Differential Geometry and its applications: fluid dynamics, dispersive systems, image processing, and beyond" will be an online event. The goal of the forthcoming event is to present recent results in differential geometry related to nonlinear PDEs, mathematical physics, and beyond. The school will provide young researchers with an opportunity to interact with their colleagues and well-known researchers in the field. Selected materials of the school and workshop will be published by Springer Nature.

The speakers will be: Boris Khesin (University of Toronto, Canada), Valentin Lychagin (University of Tromsø, Norway), Klas Modin (Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Peter J. Olver (University of Minnesota, USA), Volodya Roubtsov (University of Angers, France), and Ian Roulstone (University of Surrey, UK).

Please visit http:/www.baltinmat.comwinter-school-workshop-wisla-22 for full details about the event.

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