Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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created by daniele on 20 Dec 2021

5 sep 2022 - 9 sep 2022

University of Cambridge, UK

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a summer school:

COMB in CAMB: Combinatorial Methods in Algebraic Geometry in Cambridge
5th-9th September 2022
University of Cambridge, UK

The school is planned to take place in person. It is aimed especially at Ph.D. students and early-career researchers, whose integration in the mathematical community has been disrupted by the pandemic. The following leading experts have agreed to offer four minicourses, covering a range of applications of combinatorial and tropical techniques to classical problems in algebraic and arithmetic geometry:

- Farbod Shokrieh (Washington): Tropical geometry, heights, and arithmetic
- Isabel Vogt (Brown): Brill-Noether theory via degeneration
- Marvin Anas Hahn (Sorbonne): Tropical geometry of Bruhat-Tits buildings
- Yoav Len (St Andrews): Algebraic and tropical Prym varieties (TBC)

The webpage for the event can be found at:

Funding for accommodation and travel is available, thanks to generous grants from the Herchel Smith Fund, Foundation Compositio Mathematica and the Heilbronn Institute. Under-represented groups in mathematics will be prioritised. Registration is now open at:

Applications received before 1st March 2022 will be given full consideration. We kindly request that you spread the word to all potentially interested mathematicians.

All the best,
Navid Nabijou and Luca Battistella

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