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Cohomology of Varieties

created by daniele on 06 Dec 2021

28 mar 2022 - 1 apr 2022

IMPAN Warsaw

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear Colleagues,

This is the first announcement for the conference entitled

Cohomology of Varieties

at IMPAN Warsaw, Poland on Mar 28-Apr 1, 2022.

The planned topics include various kinds of cohomology theories for algebraic and analytic varieties, spanning from p-adic analytic geometry to Hodge theory.


Yves André (to be confirmed)
Joseph Ayoub
Kęstutis Česnavičius
Remy van Dobben de Bruyn
Gabriel Dospinescu
Antoine Ducros
Elden Elmanto
Hélène Esnault
Javier Fresán
Quentin Guignard
David Hansen
Katharina Hübner
Bruno Klingler (to be confirmed)
Adrian Langer
Marcin Lara
Matthew Morrow (to be confirmed)
Anna Otwinowska
Dmitry Vaintrob
Alberto Vezzani
Masha Vlasenko
Vadim Vologodsky
Bogdan Zavyalov

For more information, see the conference webpage:

Best regards,

Piotr Achinger
Wiesława Nizioł

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