Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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ONEW workshop on Generalized Connections and Curvature

created by tortorella on 03 Nov 2021

15 nov 2021

online workshop

Our aim

Generalized connections and curvature have been approached from different perspectives. How do they compare to each other? What are they useful for? What are the major results? Where is the theory heading?

Join us on ZOOM on 15th November 2021, 12:15-3:30pm GMT, to answer these questions. Register here in 10 seconds.

- Miquel Cueca,
- Liana David,
- Mario García-Fernández,
- Ryushi Goto,
- Marco Gualtieri,
- Madeleine Jotz-Lean

Organizer Committee:
- Vicente Cortés (Hamburg)
- Roberto Rubio (Barcelona)

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