4 apr 2022 - 8 apr 2022
CIRM (Luminy, Marseille
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We are pleased to announce the thematic school
"Symplectic singularities in geometry and representation theory"
which will take place at CIRM (Luminy, Marseille), from April 4 to 8, 2022. The aim of the school is to bring together experts from algebraic geometry and representation theory around the topic of symplectic singularities. There will be three mini-courses by
Alastair Craw (Bath) Iain Gordon (Edinburgh) Yoshinori Namikawa (Kyoto)
to introduce the subject and three talks by the confirmed speakers
Chiara Camere (Milan)
Christian Lehn (Chemnitz)
Sarah Scherotzke (Münster)
to show actual research topic in algebraic geometry and representation theory around the subject of the school. The school is especially adressed to PhD students and young post-doc, there will be also some talks by the young participants.
THERE WILL BE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS Priority will be given to young participants.
Pre-inscriptions can be done here: https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/2667.html
We hope to provide financial support for accomodation for most of the young participants.
Yours sincerely,
Alessandra Sarti and Cédric Bonnafé