Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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A finite and infinite-dimensional meeting on Lie groupoids, Poisson geometry and integrability

created by cattafi on 18 Jun 2021

16 aug 2021 - 20 aug 2021


Dear colleagues,

our apologies if you are receiving this message multiple times.

We are organising a workshop in Vienna from August 16 to August 20. This workshop aims at discussing the interplay and the differences between the finite and the infinite-dimensional worlds in various topics in differential geometry. These include (as in the title) Lie groupoids and algebroids, Poisson geometry and integrability problems, as well as Riemannian geometry, representation theory, geometry of PDEs, etc.

There will be minicourses, invited and contributed talks. It will be a hybrid event: speakers and participants are encouraged to travel to Vienna, but there will also be the possibility to attend the workshop online. Please see the website for further information and registration:

In particular, junior researchers are encouraged to contribute with a talk on the topics of the workshop - the deadline for the submissions of titles and abstracts is July 15.

We hope to see many of you in Vienna,

Francesco Cattafi and Alice Barbara Tumpach

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