7 apr 2021 - 21 apr 2021
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Dear friends of Geometry and TACoS,
We are pleased to announce the fifth session on the Geometry and Topology of (Almost) Complex Structures. The topic is: 'Birational Geometry' and there will be four talks:
- Paolo Cascini (Imperial College London): A brief overview of the Minimal Model Program
- Ana-Maria Castravet (UVSQ Université Paris-Saclay): Blown-up toric surfaces with non-polyhedral effective cone and applications to moduli spaces
- Enrica Mazzon (MPIM Bonn): Dual complexes in birational and non-archimedean geometry
- Andrea Petracci (Freie Universität Berlin): An introduction to toric geometry
Videos of the talks will be uploaded on our YouTube Channel on April 7th. Afterwards, there will be two weeks of asynchronous discussions on Gitter, followed by a live coffee break via zoom on April 21st at 17h CEST. Abstracts and more information on the format can be found on our website.
All the best, Adrián Andrada, Andrea Fanelli, Alexandra Otiman, Sebastien Picard, Ulrike Riess, Tô Tất Đạt