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"Complex Analysis and Geometry" Conference in honor A. Iordan and J. Cao

created by daniele on 25 Mar 2021

31 mar 2021

Paris (online)

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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a one-day online conference to be held on Zoom on March 31st, 2021 starting at 10:55 a.m Paris time zone and closing at 5 p.m (Paris time zone) in honor of Andrei Iordan (retired recently) and Junyan Cao (promoted as Professor in Nice). The conference, organized by Séverine Biard, Tien-Cuong Dinh and Xiaonan Ma is joint with the seminar organized by Olivier Biquard, Jean-Michel Bismut, Alix Deruelle, Ilia Itenberg and Xiaonan Ma. There will be 5 talks, no registration is needed, but we ask the participants to connect with their full name (no nickname) to get the admission in the Zoom room.

Here is the program: Wednesday 31/03/2021, Paris Daylight Saving Time 10:55 opening
11:00 Mihai Paun (Bayreuth University): ”An extension result for twisted canonical forms”
12:00 Ngaiming Mok (University of Hong Kong): ”Functional Transcendence on Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains”
14:00 BenWeinkove (Northwestern University): ”Degenerating PDEs on complex surfaces”
15:00 Xiaojun Huang (Rutgers University): ”Complex geodesics and complex Monge- Ampere equations with boundary singularities”
16:00 George Marinescu (University of Cologne): ”On the singularities of the Bergman projections for lower energy forms on complex manifolds with boundary”
17:00 closing.

The Zoom link is
ID de réunion : 860 7265 4861
Code secret : 496332

You find also in the attached pdf file the program with the titles and abstracts, it is also available on Please forward this announcement to all people interested to attend the conference!

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