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Jordan property for automorphism groups of projective varieties

De-Qi Zhang

created by daniele on 10 Dec 2019

13 dec 2019 -- 11:00

Aula Tricerri, DiMaI, Firenze


Acentury ago, Camille Jordan proved that the complex general linear group GLn(C) has the Jordan property: there is a Jordan constant Cn such that every finite subgroup H < GLn(C) has an abelian subgroup H1 of index H:H1 < Cn. We show that every connected algebraic group G (which is not necessarily linear) has the Jordan property with the Jordan constant depending only on dim G, and that the full automorphism group Aut(X) of every projective variety X has the Jordan property. We will also mention recent results on the Jordan property of birational groups of algebraic varieties and automorphism groups of complex manifolds.

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