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On the rank preserving property of linear sections and its applications in tensors

Yang Qi

created by angelini on 02 Oct 2019

8 oct 2019 -- 14:30

Sala Tricerri, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "U. Dini", Firenze


Tensor ranks are important and useful subjects in many areas, such as signal processing, machine learning, complexity theory, algebraic statistics, and so on. In applications, for a given structured tensor, we can define different notions of ranks. In practice, an important issue about these different ranks is when they coincide. Several conjectures have been proposed in this direction, and are receiving more and more attention recently. In this talk we study the rank preserving property of linear sections of certain varieties, which are closely related to the above conjectures. This talk is based on an ongoing joint work with Lek-Heng Lim.

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