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PhD course "Etale cohomology and the Weil conjectures"

Tamás Szamuely

created by daniele on 18 Sep 2019

24 sep 2019 -- 14:00

Aula Riunioni, DM, Pisa


Etale cohomology and the Weil conjectures

24 ore, 1mo semestre 2019/20

Arguably one of the pinnacles of 20th century mathematics was Deligne's proof of the Weil conjecture establishing an analogue of the Riemann Hypothesis for the zeta function of a smooth projective variety over a finite field. We shall explain Deligne's proof as well as some related results and recent developments. This course addresses those having already some background in étale cohomology (for example, having followed the recent introductory class of Lombardo and Maffei) and/or willing to accept some of its basic properties. In any case, these will be reviewed at the beginning of the class.

Il primo incontro si terrà MARTEDI 24 SETTEMBRE alle 14:00 in Aula Riunioni, Dipartimento di Matematica. Questo incontro sarà breve, il scopo è di fissare l'orario. Grazie per diffondere l'informazione ai potenziali interessati.

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