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INdAM - Intensive Period on Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics

created by tortorella on 03 Nov 2023

13 may 2024 - 12 jul 2024

Naples, Italy

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleague,

we are glad to announce the

INdAM - Intensive Period on Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics

May 13 - July 12, 2024, Napoli, Italy

This INdAM intensive period will take place at the INdAM Unit, Department of Mathematics and Applications "Renato Caccioppoli", University of Napoli Federico II.

The aim of the Intensive Period is to bring together researchers interested in Poisson geometry in a broad sense and mathematical physics from Italy and from abroad. It also aims at presenting the foundations of the theory as well as its more recent results/ramifications to potentially interested young researchers. There is a limited amount of funds to support young participants (MSc and PhD students, Post-Docs, etc.) interested in attending any of the programmed activities.

The Intensive Period is organized in:

- a series of Seminars and workshops comprising:

+ a Mini-Workshop on Symmetry & Reduction,

+ a Mini-Workshop on Lie Groupoids. Lie Algebroids & Differentiable Stacks,

- Poisson 2024 comprising:

+ a Summer School on Poisson Geometry, including a thematic afternoon on "Distinguished Women in Mathematics",

+ an International Conference on Poisson Geometry.

Feel free to circulate this announcement among potentially interested people. Should you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us at Hope to see you in Napoli next summer.

More information, including a tentative list of speakers, can be found on the web page of the INdAM - Intensive Period on Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics.

Best regards

The organizers

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